Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Been awhile....

Well it's been a long time since I posted anything in my blog. I'm going to try to fix that. I changed the name to reflect a different direction I'm going to take with this, and hopefully that will help me update it more often. We shall see....I no longer want to "wear the cone of shame" when it comes to my blogging. Which leads me to the first "point" of the day.


The movie Up. We bought it for the road trip down to my Mom's for Christmas, and I gotta say I wasn't too impressed with the previews. Thought maybe I would pass this one up. Man, I'm glad I didn't. It is so good. And I love the dogs in it. The quotes up above are from the movie, so you can tell how much it's influenced me already. Of course I've seen it like 20 times since Christmas because my girls love it too.

Today I was in the YMCA waiting on a weight machine, and a lady comes up and asks if I was waiting on an empty one that was next to the one that I was waiting on. I went full blown Dug on her. I think I might have gotten one word out in English, then just pointed at the machine. Got a weird look, but I conveyed my message. Maybe I've watched it one too many times.

Also still trying to get a long box of comics read. Been going through the Savage Dragon series from Erik Larson over at Image. So far it's been a good read, and Erik's style in the art department is great on the book. Somewhere near the 100 issue mark it kind of changes tone, which kind of threw me off a little, but I think that's just because I'm missing a lot of the issues leading up to then in the series. But eBay is my friend and I picked up the last 10 or so issues the other night, so now I'm ready to dive back in as soon as it gets here.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baltimore Comic Con pt 3

I've been putting this entry off a little bit trying to make sure I can capture all the goodness that was had once we actually got in the Con. I'm going to give it a shot now.

As we were going in we passed one of the best Ghostbusters I have ever seen. Being bolstered by the fact that no ghosts were going to be attending the Con we pressed on down the stairs and in to the throng of people that were there to enjoy the Con.

As we came in we were greeted by the many vendors that were there selling books, but since I wasn't looking for deals on back issues I started to look around for the Image booth. Since it was the largest booth at the Con it was fairly easy to spot.

With a little apprehension at meeting some people that I have looked forward to meeting in person for a long time we approached the booth. As I walked up to the booth I saw Erik Larson sketching and chatting with fans, as well as Whilce Portacio and Jim Valentino. But I didn't have time right at the moment to stop and say hi. Emma had been checking since we boarded the train to make sure we had brought her Editor Girl sketch. I checked the bag again and making sure it was there we kept walking down the booth to find Kris Simon. We were a father and daughter on a mission. Find Kris Simon, deliver sketch, say hi, then go from there.

We found Kris and I was urging Emma to go up and meet her and give her the sketch, and it was at this moment that meeting someone new was not in her plan. Kris' first exposure to us was us arguing over who was going to give her the sketch. As we are having our discussion, Kris had taken notice of us and was standing there watching the entire exchange. Gotta say I was a little embarrassed, but when we handed the sketch to Kris and she got this big grin on her face it made it all better. I introduced myself and Emma, and she said she knew who we were from the board. I told her we were bringing her a sketch, gonna have to ask if she'll post it somewhere. Kris Simon is also a published author, and she had one of her books there, but we were really looking for the newest one. She said she had forgot it back in the hotel, but if we were going to be around she would go back and get some for us. Which was awesome. She didn't have to do that in any way shape or form, but she went out of her way to make sure that Emma could get the book she wanted, and for that I am extremely grateful. Anyway after chatting a little bit, she excused herself and comes back with Jim Valentino.
To me meeting Jim was great. I was nervous about talking to him, and I was going over in my head all the fanboy mistakes I wasn't going to make and I stammered "Hi Mr. Valentino". Jim has this look that reminded me of all my friends growing up when they were getting ready to do something that sounds like it's going to be great fun, and I got that look for the first time just then. He said to call him "Jim" and that got rid of all the fanboy nervousness in one fail swoop. Jim was a great guy to just be able to talk to for a few minutes. I asked him if he would mind signing a couple of books I brought, and his response was "As long as they aren't mine." and a chuckle. It was great to meet and talk to one of the legends of comics to me and have him be a genuinely sincere and nice guy. I could have stayed right there and talked with Jim and Kris for the rest of the show and been completely content, but I had things to get for friends, and other friends I needed to track down.

After we took our leave of Jim and Kris, we went around the corner and see Bryan Glass and his wife Judi. I had met Bryan and Judi at Heroes Con in '08 and it was great to see them again. Bryan writes a comic called Mice Templar that is truly amazing. He and Mike Oeming have created a whole world that is filled with wonder and amazing stories and it is one of my favorite comics in all my time of collecting. You can tell Bryan loves the story and working on it if you spend even a minute talking to him. He has an infectious enthusiasm for the book that always gets me excited to read more of it. He is another of thos people that I will always find if he's at a convention to be able to spend a little bit of time talking with. He remembered me and Emma from over a year ago, and is just a down to earth guy. He was awared a Harvey this year at the Baltimore Con and I don't think it could have been giving to a more deserving guy. It is really an honor of mine to be able to say that we are friends now after much talking online and seeing each other at a couple of Cons. Bryan and Judi both are really nice people that have a contagious spirit for what they are doing. I wish I could talk about the next issue because Bryan had it there and let me check it out, but I won't spoil it for anyone except to say this. This arc continues to get better with every issue, and this one isn't an exception to that.
Next update will be about Jay Faerber and meeting him, along with the happenings in the Image United signing line. Hope you come back for more of my con experience.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Baltimore Comic Con pt 2

After the events leading up to getting on the train, the ride in to Baltimore was fairly uneventful.

I still get a little upset everytime I drive or go up in to Baltimore, because one of my favorite hangouts, Hammerjacks, got destroyed to make way for the Raven's stadium. That's neither here nor there, just something I thought about on the way in to Baltimore.

As we pulled up to the station before the Convention Center stop, I looked out the window and saw the Convention Center. I decided "Hey it's right there, let's get out and we'll just walk over from here."

Before this descision I didn't know that the Baltimore Convention Center takes up and entire city block. Now I know this quite well. The stop we used was the exact opposite side of the Center from where the Convention was being held.

After walking around some buildings and through some others we finally arrived at the ticket counter area (I failed to remember I hadn't bought tickets until the night before, and TicketMaster turns off their Will Call service the night before and event like this...mental note for next time). The line didn't seem too long so Emma and I started toward what we thought was the end. Then we realized it went out the door. Going outside we realized it went around the corner and then we realized it went about halfway down the building.

As bad as things seemed standing in this line, it only took us about 40 minutes to get in the convention, so I guess it didn't turn out too bad having to wait a little while. I also learned another lesson. Much like buying comics, if you're going to a convention....pre-order, pre-order, pre-order.

Baltimore Comic Con pt 1

It was a dark and stormy night......well not really, but a lot of good stories start that way. The journey actually began about 8 am from Hampton to Baltimore. Emma and I loaded up in the van with coffee and Jolly Ranchers, yeah I planned this trip well, and hit the road.

We make this trip a lot so after a couple of hours, somewhere just south of Washington DC, Emma pipes up with "You know Dad we haven't seen any red lights so far this trip." Not knowing what she meant I had to ask. She goes in to detail how by this time in the trip I'm normally not happy with the Metro DC area drivers, because we're usually stop and go by then, and today we hadn't stopped at all. I thought about it and realized she was right, and we shared a high five about our good fortune. Just then we run in to stopped traffic. It was almost as if the Metro DC drivers realized we were moving too smoothly, and something had to be done. Thankfully the delay was short lived and traffic began moving again shortly thereafter. This was also the time I realized that nature was calling, but I figured we were close to the train station and I could take care of it when we got there.

The rest of the trip to the train station was fairly uneventful, except for the slowly building pain in my bladder. As we were nearing the train station it had gone from a slight desire to an urgent need. And I'll warn anyone reading this now about a fact that I did not know until Saturday morning. There are no bathrooms at the Light Rail stations to Baltimore. NONE. Not even a Port-A-Potty. Thankfully the station we stopped at was right across the street from a McDonald's, and at that moment in time that was the nicest bathroom I had ever seen. And it gave Emma a chance to get a Happy Meal for lunch, before we boarded the train.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mice Templar: Destiny #2


Last issue ended with Cassius and Karic captured by the Mole Goblins, and this issue picks up with them being escorted to have an audience with the Mole Goblin King. While the moles are just being introduced in the Templar mythos I really enjoyed them. They offered a little comic relief while still being a serious problem that our heroes have to deal with. Cassius shows a little determination and diplomancy in the way he deals with the Mole Goblin King, proving that there are layers as yet unexplored to his character.

We are also given a further look in to the happenings in the city of Dealrach Ard-Vale, and things take an interesting turn. Icarus, the mouse king, shows some of his true motivations for how he is governing the kingdom. We are also introduced to some new players in the landscape of the royal line. The politics and dealings in the royal city are much more deep than I first believed, and it will be interesting to see how things play out. Let's just say that nothing is as it seemed at first look last arc.

We get a peek in to what is going on with the captured mice, and for every bright moment that Glass gives us for them there is a counterpoint of self-preservation and deception. The way that area is playing out is interesting in itself and seeing the way Leito continues to grow as a character is nice, He seems to be trying to go the way of the Templar, but without the benefit of a mentor by his side. He is developing into a much more interesting character the more we are given a look at his descisions and actions while captured.

The confrontation with the evil that has entered the mole goblin tunnels was equal parts startling and exciting. Seeing how what has happened in the past, and how it is still carrying over to the present in the story is quite interesting, and establishes the fact that Glass and Oeming have crafted and living and developing world of the Templar legacy.The issue ends with us witnessing our heroes emergining in to an area of the Templar world that we have not seen to date, and how that will effect Cassius and Karic will be interesting to watch play out.

Overall a great second issue to the arc that moved the story forward at a break neck pace in places, while slowing down and revealing the inner workings of the world in which the story is set. This issue was a perfect balance of action and character development that should not be overlooked.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Proof #22


As the "Julia" arc continues we see what happens after the events leading up to Julia and Lent leaving the circus in the wake of the Springheel Jack reveal.The story begins with Proof and Ginger traveling back to the lodge. As the story unfolds we get a chance to see the depths of Lent's depravity in dealing with his wife and newborn child. While I don't want to give anything away here, I will say that this episode left me with an emotional feeling toward a character that few if any comics have ever elicited. It ends on a cliffhanger that doesn't look good for the future of Thomas Lent, and could further the developments that become the rift between Proof (Gulliver) and Mi-Chen-Po (Gilgamesh).
The art throughout this arc has been really good, and Riley continues that trend in this issue. You can feel the emotions of the characters as you read the story, and empathize with what is going on in the story.
Dave Casey again does a fabulous job on colors and has been a major contribution to the story since he joined the team. There has never been a bad colorist on Proof, but Dave is probably the best so far.
Alex Grecian's writing continues to impress 22 issues in to this book. He writes stories that draw you in to the book, and makes you care about the characters.
This issue features two back-up stories; one featuring Nadine (Chupacabra) and reveals that her intentions might not have been what readers thought when she was offering aid to the Colonel, the second is the finale of the current Archie Snow story that has been running the last few issues. Both are really well done and it's nice to see some resolution of previous events, and Archie Snow is always a fun and intriguing read.
Overall, Grecian, Rossmo, Casey and everyone else involved in this book continue to deliver the goods month after month.
If you believe in monsters...you need PROOF.

Mice Templar: Destiny #1


Bryan Glass and Mike Oeming's epic fantasy adventure continues in this second story arc. Picking up right where Prophecy left off we see Karic and Cassius as they begin their new teacher/student relationship.
The issue opens up with a retelling of the battle that saw the end of the Templars. We get to see a little more in to the events of that fateful day, and it is outstanding in story quality. A huge two page spread reveals some of the major players in the battle and we are given a little more on the aftermath.
As Karic and Cassius journey on, Cassius recounts what lead to the woods they are skirting being haunted, and it is rendered in classis Templar style in beautiful watercolor. The tale is sad one, but the beauty of the art really make it stand out and grab your attention.
We get a look in to Karic's motivations to become a Templar, and see a little bit of the internal conflict in the character through a "vision" sequence. Also we get to see more into what drvies Cassius and the burden he is carrying with him. It is a tribute to Bryan's writing that we are drawn into the lives of these characters and really made to care for them.
Victor Santos takes over the art duties on the majority of the book, and there is no drop off in quality. Usually when a new artist comes on a book there is a distinct difference, but I can honestly say that if I hadn't known there was a new artist I probably wouldn't have noticed.
The colors on the book make each page come alive, and draw you in to this vast world that Oeming and Glass have created. The colors are vivid and really pull you in to the book.
Overall, a great start to the second arc of this fantasy tale, that should be read by any fan of fantasy. This book always impresses me, and you can tell that it is a labor of love for all involved in making it.